Thanks for stopping by and allowing me to share my story with you.  I warn you I believe in transparent authenticity. In other words, I keep it real!

Once upon a time I was a great church girl and at the same time a terrible Christian.  I came to church, served in the church and consistently gave to the church thinking that was all God required.  As long as I did the Big 3, come, serve, give I was free to live my life for my pleasure.  Sins were OK as long as they were acceptable sins.  You know, the ones that everyone in the church knows is sin but does them anyway?  Looking back over this time I learned it’s possible to be in church but not in Christ.  Have I lost you yet?  Or perhaps this is sounding all too  familiar.

On November 13th, 1998 God in His mercy personally introduced Himself to me.  He led me on a new journey of  being freed from rituals to being freed to engage with Him in a real and personal way.  It was at this time an intense hunger grew in me to move from knowing about Him to knowing Him.

God graciously planted me in Spirit-filled, Christ-centered Bible teaching churches allowing me to grow in my knowledge and understanding of Him  After ten years of invitations by my mother, I even joined Bible Study Fellowship, International (BSF)!  This yearly 30 week bible study has been the most impactful experience in my life to date!  I can honestly say I wouldn’t be who I am today without connecting to Him through BSF.  

Over the years  I’ve worn many hats- HR Professional, Domestic Engineer, and to my amazement BSF Teaching Leader.  But the most important one other than daughter of the King, is as wife to Keith and mom to sons Davis, Chase, and Layne.  Yes, my three sons for those old enough to understand the reference.  To my younger gals, you’ll have to google it!

God has placed in my heart a deep desire to help free Christians from cultural conformity and equip them to live Kingdom principles so that God’s agenda is visible, attainable, and transformational to all.  I live this mission by blogging about the intersection between faith and work, career coaching, and teaching God’s Word.

I’d be honored if you’d join me on this freedom journey. 

Are you ready?  Let’s connect.