A Hard Work Place

See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king an its fighting men. Joshua 6:2

Have you ever been between a rock and a hard place?  A place where you are completely outnumbered and have no clear path for success?   Sometimes the workplace can feel this way.

After 40 years of wondering into the wilderness the Israelites were finally poised to enter Canaan, their promised land. From years earlier they knew it was the land of milk, honey, and giants.  God promised them this land but it was their job to take possession. Like manna that fed them, God provided but they had to gather it to eat. As Joshua prepared to lead the Israelites into battle to defeat Jericho the situation must have seemed hopeless.  Jericho was a city fortified by a large, thick wall.  I’m sure they were waiting with baited breath for the battle plan from the Lord… and what a plan they received!  March six times around the city…on the seventh march, blow trumpets and shout. (Joshua 6:3-4) Seriously? God’s ways aren’t our ways and His thoughts aren’t our thoughts.

And sometimes when were in a workplace battle He’ll ask us to do things that don’t make sense in the natural. We want to quit He says stay. We want action. He says wait.  We plan and strategize.  He says follow me.  If we’re honest what we want is to be avenged. Quickly and publicly. Instead He says turn the other cheek. Forgive. Seek reconciliation. Trust Me.  And look what happens when despite how we feel, we obey anyway. When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. (Joshua 6:20) God did what He said He would do.  He gave the city.  No losses, no effort, and bountiful treasures.  So what can we do when facing a Jericho?

Seek the Lord– Though Joshua was called to take possession of the land, he didn’t make a move without hearing from the Lord.  As we read Joshua 6 we don’t know how long it took for Joshua to hear from the Lord.  So seek the Lord until He answers.  Until then, wait.

Obey the Lord – sometimes God speaks in ways that are consistent with our expectations, and sometimes He doesn’t. Obedience to Him, even when we don’t understand, guarantees His protection and fulfillment of His promises.

Praise the Lord – One of the most unusual parts of the battle plan was praise.  Priests carried trumpets in front of the ark (Joshua 6:4-6) signifying dependence on the Lord.  There are many reasons to praise the Lord, including life, health, and strength.

 It’s been said you’re either entering a battle, in the middle of a battle, or coming out of a battle. And this Christian walk is fraught the battles.  So rather than live in hopelessness or despair, let seek, obey, and praise the Lord.  And who knows?  We may see our walls fall down too.  

Grace and peace,


About Karen McNary

I'm Keith's wife, mother to Davis, Chase, and Layne, HR Professional and Career Coach. Last and most importantly, I'm a lover and teacher of God's word. I've taught with organizations such as Bible Study Fellowship, Intl and Jobs for Life. Currently I teach through my blog, and occasionally with Proverbs 31 Ministries' First 5 app.